Average Price

Average Price, commonly referenced as Average Fill Price, is the average price paid or received for a particular coin when there are multiple fills per order.

Calculated as an average price would be the sum would be:

Assuming you have 3 separate fills at three different price points
($ x qty) + ($ x qty)  + ($ x qty)  / (qty + qty + qty)

So, if you:

sell 100 @ $5.20
sell 50 @ $5.25
sell 50 @ $5.10

The mathematical sum would be
= (100 X $5.20) + (50 * $5.25) + ($50 @ $5.10) / (100 + 50 + 50)
= (520 + 262.50 + 255) / 200
= $5.1875 is the Average Price paid